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AsciiDoc is a lightweight markup language that supports the structural and semantic elements necessary for writing technical documentation that can be published to the web or output to a variety of other formats, such as PDF. You can write an AsciiDoc document using Atom, Visual Studio Code, or your preferred plain text editor. To convert an AsciiDoc document to another format, or extract information from it, you use an AsciiDoc processor such as Asciidoctor.

Document Structure

There are two parts to an AsciiDoc document, the header and the body. As with all block elements in AsciiDoc, these parts are separated by a blank line. (If you’re familiar HTTP, it follows the same general structure of an HTTP response). Both parts are optional.

The simplest AsciiDoc document is a blank file. The simplest AsciiDoc document that has content is a single word.


You can convert this document to HTML using the following command:

$ asciidoctor sample.adoc

If you’re using an editor with AsciiDoc support, like Atom or Visual Studio Code (aka VS Code) with the offical AsciiDoc extensions, you can see a rendered HTML preview of your document as you type. Under the covers, these extensions use Asciidoctor to convert the document from AsciiDoc to HTML.

If you want more than one paragraph, separate the lines of content by a single blank line.

This is one paragraph.

This is another.

If sentences are not separated by a blank line, then they are assumed to be part of the same paragraph. Hard line breaks inside a paragraph are treated as a single space (unless a special option or notation is used).

This is one sentence in the paragraph.
This is another, but the reader won't see the hard line break between them.

To give your document a title, you define in the header, prefixed with an equal sign followed by a single space.

= Document Title


A document is divided into sections using headings (aka section titles). Like the document title, a section title is defined by prefixing the line with multiple, consecutive equal signs followed by a single space. Each equal sign represents one level, so a level-2 heading is denoted by two equal signs.

= Document Title

== Introduction

== Topic

== Conclusion

Section levels must be sequential. If you skip a level, you’ll get a warning from the processor. It’s important to separate content from presentation, so you should not apply bold formatting to the text of a heading. A heading is a semantic element and the presentation stylesheet will handle displaying it correctly. This rule holds true throughout the AsciiDoc syntax. Focus on what you want (semantics), not on how it looks (presentation).

In addition to the document title, you also use the header to define document attributes (not to be confused with block attributes, which we’ll talk about later). Document attributes are defined using an attribute entry line, which consists of a name part and an optional value part.

:name: value

Document attributes defined in the header serve two purposes. One is to configure built-in behavior, such as enabling the table of contents. Most attributes for configuring behavior only work when defined in the header.

= Document Title

== Introduction

== Topic

== Conclusion

The other is define reusable bits of content, such as URLs, names, and common phrases.

= Document Title
:url-asciidoctor: https://asciidoctor.org

Visit {url-asciidoctor} to learn about Asciidoctor.

The attribute name surrounded in curly braces is known as an attribute reference. When the document is converted, the attribute reference is replaced with the value of the attribute (anywhere normal substitutions are applied). If the attribute is missing, the processor will ignore it by default, though you can configure the processor to warn.

It’s customary to add a type prefix / namespace to attributes to organize them and keep them from colliding with each other.

Optionally, you can add an author to the document by placing the name (or names separated by semi-colons) directly below the document title.

= Document Title
Doc Writer


Directly below the author line, you can define the revision number (revnumber) and date (revdate).

= Document Title
Doc Writer
v1.0, 2019-05-19


Just remember, a single blank line signals the end of the header. The document body begins at the subsequent line.

You can also define document attributes outside of the document header, but it’s not recommended.

Text Formatting

Most of the time when writing, you can get away with headings and paragraph text, with some attributes to save you from duplicating the same text (especially URLs). You should not feel bad about this. Simpler documents are easier to review, edit, and maintain. When you find yourself needing to add more structure to your document, AsciiDoc offers a plethora of markup to designate more fine-grained and/or domain-specific semantics. You can always find a quick reference close at hand using the following command:

$ asciidoctor --help syntax

The first markup you’ll probably reach for is strong (bold), stress emphasis (italic), and monospaced (code) text. While these are certainly important for calling attention to certain words and phrases in the text, you really should use them sparingly and strategically. For example, if you are going to bold an important word, consider only doing it for the first instance. After that, the reader will know what you mean, and it will save you from having to spend time dressing up your text like a holiday tree.

Without further ado, here’s how to make strong (bold), stress emphasis (italic), and monospaced (code) text.

*strong* (aka bold)
_stress emphasis_ (aka italic)
`monospaced` (aka code or typewriter)

By default, AsciiDoc syntax is interpretted inside monospaced text. This includes additional formatting, attribute references, and the like. If you want a code literal, which is roughly the equivalent of backticks in Markdown, enclose the text in plus.

`+code literal+`

If you just want literal text, but not monospace, just use the plus enclosure.


These are examples of constrained formatting. Constrained formatting is applied around a word or phrase, allowing for surrounding punctuation in most cases. If you need to apply formatting in the middle of a word, then you need to double up the marks. For example:

**C**reate, **R**ead, **U**pdate, & **D**elete (CRUD)

AsciiDoc has built-in support for smart typography, such as curly quotes, dashes, and ellipses. In some cases, this substitution happens automatically, such as the case with dashes, ellipses, and apostrophes.

I believe I shall--no, actually I won't.
But then again...

To get curly quotes, you must modify the quotes using backticks as follows:

"`smart`" double quotes
'`smart`' singe quotes

Content Blocks

So far we have looked at basic document structure and formatting with paragraphs. But AsciiDoc has a rich set of blocks to choose from. This set, which includes lists, admonitions, figures, listings, and tables, can be expanded using extensions.

Lists are made by combining one or more list items. A list item is donated by prefixing the line with an asterisk followed by a space, much like the structure of heading. However, the text of a list item can span more than one line.

* one
* two
* three
oh lucky me!

To make a checklist, prefix the text with [ ] or [x]:

* [x] checked
* [ ] not checked

Like with headings, you can create nested list items by adding more markers:

* level 1
** level 2
*** level 3
* level 1 again

If you find it easier to read, you can indent the markers:

* level 1
 ** level 2
  *** level 3
* level 1 again

To create an ordered list, replace the asterisks with dots.

. one
. two
. three
numbers are free!

A special feature of AsciiDoc is that you can explicitly attach other blocks to a list item using a list continuation. A list continuation is a line with only a plus character.

* primary text
attached paragraph